Although some people get a little excited and put their tree up in November, the national put your Christmas decorations-up week is usually the first week in December. In order to ensure you have all your decoration in time, we wanted to put together a quick guide to creating the perfect Christmas tree to help you prepare.

1) Always invest in a high-quality artificial tree
It's important not to go for what's "in" this year when it comes to Christmas trees. Go for something which is timeless and traditional so won't go out of style or out of date in the future years. It's also important to choose a Christmas tree crafted from higher quality materials which provide more sturdy and reliable support for your decorations. The investment is worth it for a durable good-looking tree year after year.
Prelit Christmas trees are also a good choice, especially with larger trees as it is easier to put up and saves time untangling. When it comes to size ensure you go for something balanced in your space - not too cramped but also not drowned out in larger rooms.

2) Design around a theme
When it comes to a designer creating a Christmas tree, we use a central look or theme that ties the decorations and overall look together. Deciding on a theme before choosing your decorations helps to set the tone and gives you a clear idea of what you will need early on.
For ideas on themes - why not check out our post on "Christmas Themes for 2022"
3) Getting the lights on
While pre-lit Christmas trees are popular and will save you time (and money) we prefer to use a plain tree giving us the option to layer lights and change them yearly if we like.
We always add the lights first as it's more difficult to do this after decorations like baubles and garlands are added.
We tend to use the plug as the starting point, wrapping the lights around the tree and working our way up from the centre of the base. And remember, when weaving, the bulb should be positioned under a branch and the next bulb over a branch, and so forth.

4) Choose the right decorations
The decorations need have your main theme and colour scheme in mind. Go for different shapes (forms) materials and sizes when you can. This will ensure the tree is interesting and stays interesting every time you look at it.
Obviously there are some styles where this isn't require. Anything minimalist or where symmetry is required could mean you go for all the same single decoration or limit it to two or three different ones. Be guided by the style and then the colour pallet.

5) Cluster your baubles
When it comes to baubles, we use the same rules we do with interior design. Clusters of three baubles of different sizes will add flair and visual appeal. These too would need to be within your theme.
Try hanging larger baubles closer to the centre of the tree and use small ones towards the end of the branches to give it more depth. As a separate note, we like to dangle delicate glass baubles at the top of the tree which helps to prevent any breakages. Whilst there is no standard for the number of baubles, we recommend 40 baubles for 5ft tree, 50 baubles for 6ft tree, 75 baubles for 7ft tree and 90 baubles for 7ft+ tree.

6) Layer and style ribbons
Another expert tip is to layer your Christmas tree with decorative ribbons. These will elevate your tree's aesthetic to the designer. You may use one type of ribbon or two ribbons of contrasting textures and different widths to create even more impact.
Ribbons with wired edges are easier to sculpt into loops or rolls so that's what you would be aiming for and make sure they are long enough to go right around several times.
7) Use tree picks
Branches, twigs, berries and pinecones (as tree picks) and floral sprays make great accents which can complement the entire look of your tree also adding depth and interest.
If you have a larger tree, you could group them together to create the same look without overpowering other decorations.

8) Choose the right tree topper
An eye-catching tree topper that works within your theme is a beautiful way to complete the designer look of your tree. Ensure the proportion of your tree, and take into consideration the height of your ceiling too.
Don't think this has to be something traditional. Choose something like a giant bow rather than a gold star or angel.
9) Finish off with a tree skirt
Often overlooked, the skirt is the finishing touch to your decorations and serves to ground and balance the overall design of your tree.
Tree skirts have many benefits too, from covering the stand of your tree to naturally drawing one's attention to the tree's lower portion and helping to produce a complete, harmonious look. It also gives a much prettier backdrop for wrapped Christmas presents.

Don't get if you have trouble with your tree or with coming up with an overall theme for your Christmas decor - we offer a seasonal decorating service which could help. Call me on 0208 133 0702 for an informal chat now and we can see how I can help.